Decision-Support Tools

The successful outcome of measures taken to respond to oil and HNS spills depends to a great extent on the quality of and the promptness with which decisions concerning the response are taken. To this effect REMPEC developed over the years a set of Decision support tools and Guidelines.

The successful outcome of measures taken in order to respond to oil spills and releases of other hazardous and noxious substances depends to a great extent on the quality of and the promptness with which decisions concerning the response are taken.

Although such decisions should be taken by the competent authorities and their responsible officers taking into consideration specific circumstances of each particular marine pollution emergency and a number of technical, socio-economic and political factors, the process of taking decisions can be significantly accelerated, made more correct and simplified using certain decision support tools such as e.g. sensitivity maps, spill forecasting models and databases.

With a view to meeting the specific objective of revising the existing and developing new regional recommendations, principles and guidelines aimed at facilitating international co-operation and mutual assistance in the framework of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, REMPEC developed, directly or through technical working groups (e.g. MTWG), a set of guidelines, decision support-tools and database to assist decision makers in considering a wide range of alternative:


The Mediterranean Integrated Geographical Information System on Marine Pollution Risk Assessment and Response (MEDGIS-MAR) contains national data (response equipment, accidents, oil and gas installations, and oil handling facilities) for each Mediterranean coastal State. The platform also contains public data including shoreline type layers, environmental layers (i.e. Alboran areas, Cetaceans, Coral, Environmentally or Biologically Significant Areas, Fisheries restricted areas, Monk seal, Natura 2000, Pelagos sanctuary, Seabirds, Seagrass, Loggerhead sea turtles, Green sea turtles, Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs), bathymetry), socio-economic layers (i.e. Desalinisation plants, Power plants, Ports and Marinas) as well as maritime traffic layers gathered from various sources.

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The Maritime Integrated Decision Support Information System on Transport of Chemical Substances (MIDSIS-TROCS) is a decision support system designed as a reference for use in the field, helping decision-makers to select the most appropriate measures to manage potential hazardous material marine spill.

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Waste Management

The Mediterranean Oil Spill Waste Management Decision Support Tool (Waste Management) was developed as a decision support tool, to be used by any country when establishing or revising its national waste management strategy for oily waste resulting from an accidental marine pollution, aimed at facilitating decisions on the most suitable techniques for the Countries, and also to highlight, where necessary, the regulatory amendments.

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