The Mediterranean Integrated Geographical Information System on Marine Pollution Risk Assessment and Response (MEDGIS-MAR):

The Mediterranean Integrated Geographical Information System on Marine Pollution Risk Assessment and Response (MEDGIS-MAR) contains national data (response equipment, accidents, oil and gas installations, and oil handling facilities) updated by and restricted to each Mediterranean coastal State provided with personalised credentials.

The platform also contains public data including shoreline type layers, environmental layers (i.e. Alboran areas, Cetaceans, Coral, Environmentally or Biologically Significant Areas, Fisheries restricted areas, Monk seal, Natura 2000, Pelagos sanctuary, Seabirds, Seagrass, Loggerhead sea turtles, Green sea turtles, Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs), bathymetry), socio-economic layers (i.e. Desalinisation plants, Power plants, Ports and Marinas) as well as maritime traffic layers gathered from various sources.

To support the definition of strategies to respond to oil and HNS incidents, MEDGIS-MAR allows for the display of customized vulnerability maps. Following the setting by the user of the vulnerability of the different socio-economic and environmental criteria available, a unique and personal vulnerability map is obtained, featuring areas from low to high vulnerability all around the Mediterranean. In 2018, MEDGIS-MAR was upgraded with fifteen (15) new features added, including a layer related to illicit discharges, a responsive interface with additional filters, customised access and update by Mediterranean coastal States. MEDGIS-MAR is now connected to WITOIL (“Where Is The Oil”) (, a service to deliver and disseminate the prediction of the transport and transformation of actual or hypothetical oil spills in the Mediterranean Sea. The oil spill prediction is simulated by the oil spill model MEDSLIK-II as a freely available community model (