Response Equipment

Response Equipment DataBases


The Mediterranean Integrated Geographical Information System on Marine Pollution Risk Assessment and Response (MEDGIS-MAR) is a decision-support tool that stores important information relating to national data for the Mediterranean, such as the type, location and accessibility of response equipment (boom, blower, sorbent, skimmer, pump, storage, dispersant, bioremediation, vessel, helicopter, aircraft, PPE). This database is updated by and restricted to each Mediterranean coastal State, enabling them to communicate to other countries the national response equipment they are willing to share during incidences of marine pollution emergencies. MEDGIS-MAR is crucial for the decision-makers when it comes to offering assistance to a country impacted by a pollution.


Access to MEDGIS-MAR:

CECIS Marine Pollution


The Common Emergency Communication and Information System for marine pollution incidents (CECIS Marine Pollution) contains a database which details the resources (aircraft, dispersant stockpiles, response equipment, satellite imagery and vessels) and experts available in the EU region as well as in the neighboring basin.


Access to CECIS Marine Pollution