Polution Reporting System (POLREP)

Mediterranean coastal States, contracting Parties to the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, committed themselves to inform each other, either directly or through the Regional Centre on (Article 9): 

(a) all accidents causing or likely to cause pollution of the sea by oil and other harmful substances 

(b) the presence, characteristics and extent of spillages of oil or other harmful substances observed at sea which are likely to present a serious and imminent threat to the marine environment or to the coast or related interests of one or more of the Parties; 

(c) their assessments and any pollution combating actions taken or envisaged to be taken 

(d) the evolution of the situation.

Moreover, each Party needing the assistance may request it from the other Parties either directly or through the Centre.

A standard pollution accidents reporting format (POLREP), is used in order to facilitate rapid transmission of information and requests for assistance.

The standard alert message (POLREP), to be used within the framework of the Emergency Protocol, has been recommended by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and exists to harmonize pollution reporting systems.


The standard pollution accidents reporting format POLREP is composed of three (3) forms: POLWARN, POLINF and POLFAC.

POLREP should be communicated to REMPEC by email on emergency@rempec.org. 

Download and fill in the forms




Gives the first information or warning of the pollution or the threat


1 Date and time

2 Position

3 Incident

4 Outflow

5 Acknowledge

Download POLWARN (empty)

Download POLWARN (completed)





Gives a detailed supplementary report, as well as situation reports


40 Date and time

41 Position

42 Characteristics of pollution

43 Source and cause of pollution

44 Wind direction and speed

45 Current or tide

46 Sea state and visibility

47 Drift of pollution

48 Forecast

49 Identity of observer and ships on the scene

50 Actions taken

51 Photographs or samples

52 Names of other States informed

53-59 Spare

60 Acknowledge

Download POLINF (empty)

Download POLINF (completed)





Requests assistance from other Contracting Parties, and for defining operational matters related to the assistance

80 Date and time

81 Request for assistance

82 Cost

83 Pre-arrangements for the delivery

84 Assistance to where and how

85 Other States requested

86 Change of command

87 Exchange of information

88-98 Spare

99 Acknowledge

Download POLFAC (empty)

Download POLFAC (completed)
