Spain Spain

National & regional system - response strategy

Monitoring and Evaluation

Satellite image   EMSA Cleanseanet
Aerial surveillance   Mainly: Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (Sasemar) There are also another Ministries available for monitoring: Guardia Civil (Ministry for Interior), Servicio Aéreo de Rescate (Ministry for Defence), Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera (Ministry for Treasurement).
Naval surveillance
Forecasting models   OILMAP/SARMAP (ASA) and ESEOO (TESEO) (establecimiento sistema español de oceanografía operacional)

Response at sea

Use of dispersant  

Coordination between local Maritime Authority (Harbour Master Office) and SASEMAR (local MRCC) in affected zone

Aerial surveillance  

The use of dispersants is only authorized in a case by case basis, by the local services of the DGMM (Harbour Master offices).

Related Legislation  

The regulation of the use of dispersants is included in the Order of the Presidency of the Government of May 27, 1971.

The procedure for their approval is the subject of the Order of the Ministry of Commerce of June 7, 1971.

Delimitation zones for the use of dispersants
Authority in charge of authorisation identified

The previous product approval is carried out by the Marine Pollution department in the DG Merchant Marine (DGMM). The final authorization for use in a case by case basis is done by the local services of the DGMM (Harbour Master offices)

Dispersant testing procedures  

For a dispersant to be approved, three types of analysis are carried out (effectiveness, toxicity and biodegradability), by a scientific institute dependent on the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Dispersant testing is carried out by the Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX).

List of approved products  




List of competent laboratories authorized  

Dispersant testing is carried out by the Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), dependent on the Ministry of Transport and Public Works.

Containment and recovery  

Detail in Section 5

In situ burning  

No policy in place

Shoreline protection and cleanup

Shoreline protection  

Detail in Section 5

Shoreline cleanup  

Ministry of Environment is the national authority in charge of shoreline cleanup operations. Also Autonomous Governments and ports are to be prepared for shoreline operations.


Operation activities
Government/Industry relation  

The National Response System dictates what aspects shall every plan contain. Among them, it indicates that a procedure and protocol shall be included to communicate and notify with other authorities and government parties that might be involved.

Public relation
Media relation  

The National Maritime Plan, in its article 23 and 24 where task forces for emergency situations 2 and 3 are explained, contemplates the creation of a communication cabinet responsible for the communication with media and local communities.
The National Plan for Seashore Protection from Pollution, in its article 4.5, contemplates the creation of a communication cabinet responsible for the communication with media and local communities.

Waste management

National policy regarding oily waste
Treatment/disposal facilities/solutions  

Oily waste recovered on sea is delivered in oil terminals. Oily waste recovered on shore are to be managed by the competent environmental authorities (ports, Autonomous Governments, and Ministry of Environment).


Integration of international experts in the coordination body  

The National Maritime Plan contemplates the use of a Technical Council Committee for the emergency level 3. There are some experts within this committee. The committee is composed as follows:

Director of the Spanish Oceanographic Institute, President of the National Meteorological Agency, President of the Main Council for Scientific Research, Director of the Studies and Experimental Centre for Civil Construction, Chief Operational Division of the Navy Staff, Deputy Director of Customs Surveillance, Director and deputy director of SASEMAR, Operation Deputy Director of SASEMAR, Representative of the Emergency Military Unit (UME), Representative of the Navy Hydrographic Institute, States’ Attorney Chief of the Ministerial Department from the General Emergency Coordinator.


Claims legal basis at national level  

Spain is a Memeber of CLC Convention, FIDAC and Bunkers Convention

Claims included in the contingency plan
National structure dealing with claims

Volunteers management

Volunteers management considered in the plan  

There are not officially procedures with volunteer, fishermen or NGOs. Although there is usual collaboration from organisations like WWF and Greenpeace.

Faune protection

Measures for faune protection (Protected species and other marine fauna)  

Click on the link to access the Sea Alarm Country Profile sheet providing information on wildlife protection in this country

A list of marine species and marine habitats can be downloaded from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (link).

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last modified 2021-07-27T10:52:53+00:00