EU-Funded Marine Litter-MED Project

As tasked by the EU-funded “Marine Litter-MED” project, REMPEC is leading and coordinating a number of activities to assist the relevant beneficiary countries in their execution of the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean. Currently, the REMPEC-led initiatives mainly focus on the Cost Recovery System (CRS) adopted by the ports for the use of port reception facilities (PRF), which is closely related to the choice of means to discharge ship-generated waste, as well as the provision of PRF and delivery of ship-generated waste in the marinas. So far, REMEPC has published a dedicated Study on CRS, a Guidance document for the adoption of CRS, Operational Guidelines on the provision of PRF and delivery of ship-generated waste, and has carried out pilots in 3 beneficiary countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia).

The activities coordinated by REMPEC focus on measures that will create better management of sea-based litter in selected major ports and marinas in the Mediterranean, more specifically:

  • the application of charges at reasonable costs for the use of port reception facilities or, when applicable, application of a No-Special-Fee system; and
  • the provision of reception facilities in ports, as well as the delivery of ship-generated wastes.