Türkiye Türkiye

National & regional system - National & regional plan

National contingency plan

Approved Drafted Under preparation None Supported by REMPEC Date
Test type

Table Top Exercise/Full Scale Exercise

Test frequency

Once every year

Relevant national legislation adopting the plan

Law pertaining to principles of Emergency Response and Compensation for Damages in Pollution of Marine Environment by Oil and Other Harmful Substances. Law No. 5312

The plan maintenance

Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Implementing the plan

A National Contingency Plan Executive Committee has been established to coordinate preparedness and response. Members of the Executive Committee are Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), Under-secretariat of Maritime Affairs (UMA), and the city governors.

Subregional Agreements

Document Actions

last modified 2022-06-13T09:46:46+00:00