Fifteenth Meeting of the Focal Points of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)

  • When Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 15, 2023
  • Where Kappara, Malta
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Fifteenth Meeting of the Focal Points of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) will be held in Kappara, Malta from 13 to 15 June 2023.

SCAT Workshop 2022, Israel (64).png

The principal objectives of the Meeting are:

① to examine the implementation of REMPEC activities and deliverables pursuant to the Programme of Work (PoW) of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), also referred to as UNEP/MAP, since the Fourteenth Meeting of the Focal Points of REMPEC (online, 29 May-1 June 2021); and

② to discuss and agree upon the activities and deliverables of the draft UNEP/MAP PoW for the biennium 2024-2025, as proposed by REMPEC, prior to their submission, for approval by the next Meeting of the MAP Focal Points (Istanbul, Türkiye, 12-15 September 2023), and for adoption by the Twenty-third Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (COP 23) (Izola, Slovenia, 4-8 December 2023).





Provisional agenda

Ordre du jour provisoire


Annotated provisional agenda and draft timetable

Ordre du jour provisoire annoté et projet d’emploi du temps
REMPEC/WG.56/2 Progress report on REMPEC activities since the Fourteenth Meeting of the Focal Points of REMPEC

Rapport d’avancement sur les activités du REMPEC depuis la quatorzième réunion des correspondants du REMPEC

REMPEC/WG.56/3/1 Final draft common report marine oil pollution detection/investigation report

Projet final de procès-verbal commun d’observation / de constatation de pollution en mer par les hydrocarbures

REMPEC/WG.56/3/2 Mediterranean Technical Working Group (MTWG) and related activities

Groupe de travail technique méditerranéen (MTWG) et activités connexes

REMPEC/WG.56/3/3 Mediterranean Assistance Unit (MAU) and related activities 

Unité d'assistance méditerranéenne (UAM) et activités connexes

REMPEC/WG.56/3/4/Rev.1 Data sharing, monitoring, and reporting

Partage des données, suivi et communication de l’information

REMPEC/WG.56/4 Prevention of air pollution from ships in the Mediterranean Sea

Prévention de la pollution de l'athmosphère par les navires en mer Méditerranée

REMPEC/WG.56/5 Final draft regional harmonised procedures for the uniform implementation to the Ballast Water Management Convention in the Mediterranean Sea

Projet final de procédures régionales harmonisées pour la mise en œuvre uniforme de la Convention sur la gestion des eaux de ballast en mer Méditerranée

REMPEC/WG.56/6 Activities and deliverables of the draft UNEP/MAP Programme of Work for the biennium 2024-2025, as proposed by REMPEC

Activités et livrables du projet de programme de travail du PNUE / PAM pour l’exercice biennal 2024-2025, tels que proposés par le REMPEC


Report of the Meeting

Rapport de la réunion

English Français
REMPEC/WG.56/INF.1/Rev.1 List of documents Liste des documents
REMPEC/WG.56/INF.3 Report of the First Coordination Meeting on the Mediterranean Strategy for the Prevention of, Preparedness, and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2022-2031) (Floriana, Malta, 29 November-1 December 2022) Rapport de la première réunion de coordination sur la Stratégie méditerranéenne pour la prévention, la préparation et la lutte contre la pollution marine provenant des navires (2022-2031) (Floriana, Malte, 29 novembre-1er décembre 2022)
REMPEC/WG.56/INF.4 Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Mediterranean Network of Law Enforcement Officials relating to MARPOL within the framework of the Barcelona Convention (MENELAS) (Floriana, Malta, 22-23 February 2023) (English only)

Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Mediterranean Network of Law Enforcement Officials relating to MARPOL within the framework of the Barcelona Convention (MENELAS) (Floriana, Malta, 22-23 February 2023) (anglais uniquement)

REMPEC/WG.56/INF.5 Report of the Regional Expert Meeting on the harmonisation of procedures in the Mediterranean pursuant to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (Kappara, Malta, 22-23 March 2023) Rapport de la réunion régionale des experts sur l’harmonisation des procédures en Méditerranée conformément à la Convention internationale de 2004 sur le contrôle et la gestion des eaux de ballast et des sédiments des navires (Kappara, Malte, 22-23 mars 2023)
REMPEC/WG.56/INF.6 Best practices review of Descriptor 8 (D08C03, D08C04) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (English only) Best practices review of Descriptor 8 (D08C03, D08C04) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (anglais uniquement)

Proposed IMAP Pollution Cluster Chapters for the 2023 Mediterranean Quality Status Report (MED QSR 2023) (English only)

Proposed IMAP Pollution Cluster Chapters for the 2023 Mediterranean Quality Status Report (MED QSR 2023) (anglais uniquement)


Brief overview of the status of harmonisation of Ballast Water Management (BWM) measures (English only)

Brief overview of the status of harmonisation of Ballast Water Management (BWM) measures (anglais uniquement)


Draft updated Action Plan concerning species introductions and invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea

Projet de Plan d’action mis à jour relatif aux introductions d’espèces et aux espèces envahissantes en mer Méditerranée


IRA-MAR Project – Improving the Integrated Response to pollution Accident at sea and chemical risk in port – Project progress (English only)

IRA-MAR Project – Improving the Integrated Response to pollution Accident at sea and chemical risk in port – Project progress (anglais uniquement)


International Developments in Oiled Wildlife Preparedness and Response (English only)

International Developments in Oiled Wildlife Preparedness and Response (anglais uniquement)