Our Tasks

REMPEC’s main areas of work are focused on the prevention of pollution from ships and preparedness for and response to accidental marine pollution and cooperation between the Mediterranean countries.

The key areas of REMPEC when working to prevent environmental marine pollution from ships, developing preparation strategies and responses to accidental marine pollution, while also collaborating on active marine pollution cases, involve:

Strengthening national capacities for effective implementation of international rules

Strengthening the capacities of the coastal States in the region to prevent marine pollution incidents more effectively, to ensure the upholding of international rules governing shipping and the prevention of marine pollution. To reduce, tackle, and, to the fullest possible extent, eliminate pollution of the marine environment from shipping activities, including pleasure crafts.

Developing regional cooperation

Developing regional cooperation in the field to pro-actively prevent marine pollution from ships, whilst facilitating cooperation among Mediterranean coastal States to efficiently respond to pollution incidents.

Developing national capabilities to respond to pollution incidents

Assisting coastal States of the Mediterranean region who request to develop their national capabilities in responding to pollution incidents, which may potentially result in a discharge of oil or other hazardous and noxious substances. Facilitating this exchange of information, as well as providing technical cooperation and training.

Providing a framework for the exchange of information and coordinating action at these national, regional and global levels

Providing a framework for the exchange of information on operational, technical, scientific, legal and financial matters and facilitating dialogue to conduct coordinated action at national, regional and global levels to implement Prevention and Emergency Protocols.

Providing assistance in cases of emergency

Assisting coastal States in the Mediterranean region who request emergency assistance, either directly or via other regions.  Securing assistance from other Parties, who are close to their region or from outside their region.