National Workshop on Oil Spill Waste Management, 8-10 May 2012, Tunis, Tunisia – May 08, 2012

A National Workshop on Oil Spill Waste Management has been held in Tunis, Tunisia between 8 and 10 May 2012. The Workshop was organized by REMPEC in collaboration with the National Agency of Environmental Protection (ANPE) and the Mediterranean Oil Industry Group (MOIG). The workshop was co-financed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Technical Cooperation Division under its Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP) and MOIG.

The programme of the workshop includes an introduction to theoretical issues on the subject, a learning session on the use of the tool and and a practical exercise.

The participants from various national authorities and the industry worked in consultation to complete and enter data in the online tool. An advanced draft national waste management plan is currently being produced.

The event has been covered by the local media (French Only).

The workshop was a follow-up of the endorsement, by the 10th  Meeting of the Focal Points of REMPEC, Malta, 3-5 May 2011, of the related Guidelines and tool. More...