National Training Course on MEDSLIK oil spill drifting model version 5.1.2, Lattakia, Syria, 4-5 June 2007 – Jun 04, 2007

A National Training Course on MEDSLIK oil spill drifting model version 5.2.1. was organized in Lattakia, Syria, between the 4 and 5 June 2007 by REMPEC in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Administration and Environment and the Ministry of Transport of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The training course, which was held within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) and REMPEC’s training programme, aimed at training personnel on specific features of the new version of the MEDSLIK oil spill drifting model model, which was recently developed at the University of Cyprus.

The course represented the follow up of previous activities organized by REMPEC in Syria, within the framework of a LIFE project financed by the EU, where a previous version of MEDSLIK was modified for use in Syrian waters and Syrian personnel were trained on the use of the model.

Ms. Cristina Farchi, Programme Officer at REMPEC, acted as the training course co-ordinator whilst Dr. Robin Lardner, from the Oceanography Centre of the University of Cyprus, acted as training instructor and lecturer.

The training course was attended by representatives of national institutions involved in the field of marine pollution preparedness and response in Syria.