Meeting of National Experts on the Revision of the Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships – Mar 11, 2015

REMPEC organized the Meeting of National Experts on the Revision of the Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2005-2015), which was held at The Palace Hotel, Sliema, Malta, between the 11 and 12 March 2015. The Meeting, organised by REMPEC pursuant to the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)’s Programme of Work for 2014-2015 adopted by the 18th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Convention de Barcelone) and its Protocols, (Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6 December 2013), was partly financed by a voluntary contribution from the Government of Malta to REMPEC activities.

In addition to the official REMPEC National Focal Points, the invitation to participate in the Meeting was extended to observers from concerned industries, relevant international organizations, and MAP Partners.

The principal objective of the Meeting was to discuss and agree on the Draft Revised Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2016-2021).

The Draft Revised Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2016-2021) agreed to by the Meeting of National Experts on the Revision of the Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships, will be submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Focal Points of REMPEC, scheduled to be tentatively held in Malta, between 15 and 17 June 2015, for further review.

The working languages of the Meeting were English and French and simultaneous interpretation services were available during the Meeting.

The Meeting’s documents, the provisional agenda and draft timetable of the Meeting, as well as an information sheet outlining the organizational aspects of the Meeting are posted on the REMPEC’s event page.