2006 Jiyeh Power Plant Oil Spill

In July 2006, the Jiyeh Power Plant released 30,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil in Lebanon after experiencing heavy bombing. The MAU provided the Lebanese authorities with technical assistance.
Coordinates Lat.  33.63, Long.  35.38
Date 14 July 2006
Country Lebanon
Location Jiyeh
Cause Other
Oil type Heavy fuel oil
Quantity spilled 30,000 tonnes

On 14 and 15 July 2006, during the Israel-Lebanon conflict, storage tanks at the thermal power station in Jiyeh were bombed by the Israeli air force.

The plant’s damaged tanks released 30,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The oil slick covered one third of Lebanon’s coastline and extended to the Syrian coast.

The Lebanese authority, assisted by donor countries and non-profit organizations, worked on the clean up effort. The clean up activities at about 12 sites along the Lebanese coast were carried out and monitored.

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last modified 2020-03-24T19:06:05+00:00